“Rocky Horror Picture show, directed by Jim Sharman and released in 1975, became a hit cult-classic spinoff”

“Considered the ultimate cult movie, it took a jab at western society, and embraced nonconformity ideals”

What is Rocky Horror Picture Show?

In this cult classic, newly engaged Brad and Janet, stuck with a flat tire during a storm, discover the mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Tim Curry), a transvestite scientist. As their innocence is lost, Brad and Janet meet a the rest of this eccentric housemates, including a biker, Meat Loaf, creepy butler, Riff Raff. Through elaborate dances and rock songs, Frank-N-Furter unveils his latest creation: a muscular man named “Rocky.” As the night progresses, Brad and Janet slowly begin to embrace the potent fascinations of seduction, while an idolized Rocky roams free in the mansion. All come together by the end of the movie, to find a surprise twist that will leave everyone quite speechless.

Rocky Horror embodies the nonconformative nature of pop culture in the 70’s, and led the way for LGBTQ+ rights and other unconventional ideals. It wasn’t considered for its time, but due to its popularity within cult classic films it is considered polarizing and ahead of its time. Sexual freedom, queer identity and other anti hereterosexual ideals gave the film popularity to those who didn’t have a voice and normalized drag culture and contributed to its widespread acceptance in the contemporary genres. The exclusive showings of “Rocky Horror Picture Show” manufactured an allure that both exoticized and made the film exclusive; this was also aided by its modern and unique fanbase. . Rocky Horror was and still is a revolutionary movie that focused on the ideals of being comfortable in your own body and finding your own identity. Having rock and roll ingrained in its soundtrack and even in the plot of the movie, mixed well with the movie’s theme. Rocky Horror was made for the outcasts, the weirdos, the rejects and the freaks. Rock and Roll, at its start and even following, had this stigma around it. Every element of Rocky Horror, especially with its pairing of Rock and Roll, helps embody the ideals of being yourself, no matter how society might view them. 

“From the Archives: The Review: ‘Rocky Horror’ a Sci-Fi Spoof.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 25 Sept. 2015, https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-rocky-horror-a-sci-fi-spoof-20150925-story.html.

Wong, Curtis M. “Why ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ Remains a Queer Cinematic Milestone.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 17 Oct. 2018, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rocky-horror-picture-show-musical-matt-baume_n_5bc63c51e4b0a8f17ee6be26.

“‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ Taught Entire Generations to Embrace Queer Expression.” Tom + Lorenzo, 25 Sept. 2020, https://tomandlorenzo.com/2020/09/the-rocky-horror-picture-show-taught-entire-generations-to-embrace-queer-expression/.
